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Most Normal Girl

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Visitors Welcome

I don't have enough visitors.

This past weekend was GREAT. A good friend came to visit for a few days and it was exactly what I needed. I think she needed it too. The best part was that we felt completely comfortable to do NOTHING ~ just to enjoy the company, enjoy the conversation, and on occasion, enjoy the wine. It was a welcome reminder of home and all the people who are "rooting" for me; especially on those hard days.

The first time I met her, she intimated me. The second time I met her, she became my boss. And every day since, she has been my friend. She's a woman of marvelous strength and integrity. She has a presence about her that is almost angelic (I wouldn't have said the "almost" part, but I know her too well). She's a traditionalist. She is a true inspiration for anyone who believes in the value of education. She's one of those friends that you honestly know you could call in the middle of the night, just because you need to hear a friendly voice. I just feel lucky to know her.

I was sad to bid adieu at the airport today. That's the strange thing about airports: people are always coming or going - and either way, there's tears. I'll board a plane later this week to head back home for the Holiday. I am soooo looking forward to hugging everyone. I think a visitor's weekend was a gentle reminder that I've been away too long. I miss everyone.

Anyway, I look forward to welcoming more visitors. I think Mom & Dad are next in line... and they couldn't be here fast enough...
Posted by Jessie_b :: 7:14 PM ::