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Tuesday, November 08, 2005HappinessHappiness is... *Getting up at 4:00AM to leave for the airport where you will greet your boyfriend. *Seeing your boyfriend after weeks of loneliness, wrapping your arms around him and feeling "home" all over again. *Having the whole weekend ahead to keep hugging your boyfriend. ![]() *Going shopping, even when you hate it, because your planning a party for your friends. *Eating lunch at a Western restaurant while your boyfriend tries to throw peanuts down your shirt. *Driving through New England and taking pictures of all the beautiful trees. *Welcoming friends into your home and going through 4 bottles of wine in no time. *Watching a rain storm outside your window. *Dancing by the glow of candlelight with the person you love. *Waking up the next morning wondering what surprises are still to come. *Sleeping in. *Walking through the park. *Going to a show, when you weren't expecting it. *Having your boyfriend pick banana out of your hair and clean off your face, after the show. *Going to a movie to avoid going home. *When you go home, you cuddle. *Getting lost trying to drive around Boston. *Blaming bad Boston signage for getting lost. ![]() *Going to a Colts/Patriots game. *Walking around a parking lot with your boyfriend, with no direction, while you freeze your ass off. ![]() *Being told that your seats at the football game are in the no alcoholic beverages section. *Drinking beer fast so that you can get to your seats in the no alcoholic beverages section. *Talking with fans around you about a bogus no alcoholic beverages section. *Making friends with the obnoxious fan who heckles everyone else - but likes you, so that's okay. *Watching your boyfriend get excited about his team winning the game. ![]() *Falling asleep on the way home. *Arriving home after 2:00AM. *Asking your boyfriend if he was scared when we almost crashed on the way home. *Staying up for two more hours when you both know you'll have to be up early in the morning. *Skipping class to spend more time with your boyfriend. *Loving every moment together. *Thinking "this just keeps getting better." *Realizing that you've fallen in love with your boyfriend all over again. *Knowing that you can't wait to see him again, only five minutes after he's left. *Finding notes around your apartment, and in your coat pocket, reminding you of how much your boyfriend loves you. *Excited about seeing him again for the Thanksgiving Holiday - only two weeks away.