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Friday, October 28, 2005An UpdateSo, there's lots swimming around in my head tonight. Here are a few things that are going on: * I spent an hour and a half on the phone with one of my best friends in the whole wide world. And I still couldn't get enough. She's awesome. * I spent 20 minutes on the phone with another friend, who decided to buy a ticket and come visit me next month. YAY! * My parents left on a cruise to Mexico today. Viva tequila! * I made myself a really good dinner tonight; just because I have food and I could! * This weekend and next week are going to be my "shit" week - I've got two papers due and a group presentation due (with powerpoint). Alongside that, I expect to work at least 16 hours. The only saving grace to this shitty week is that Blair is coming next Saturday! * The rain is on the way. Again. * I have a bruise that had developed on the base of my hand, due to spending so much time on the computer. * I talked with my brother tonight, who is serving in Iraq. He sounds good. But now, I just finished watching that new AMY GRANT show (anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a long-time AMY GRANT fan - I love the woman), and I want my brother to come home more than ever. I'm so proud of him. * I guess that's about it. I feel like there was more to share...