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Sunday, October 30, 2005Whiplash![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yesterday it snowed. It was the first snow of the season and it was MAGICAL. I wish the kids back home could have seen it. I called a ton of people - just hoping to share the experience with someone else. All I got was messages.. until grandma. My memere was home and she laughed and laughed with me in my excitement. (This is the part when I shouldn't say that she called six hours later, when it was dark, to see if it was still snowing. She was "feeling good" and was cracking me up. Oh, happy grandma, have another one for your granddaughter.) Today, though, it is 62 degrees and BEAUTIFUL. The air is crisp, the trees behind my apartment are bright shades of yellow and red, and the sun is casting a glow of the city. It's a perfect fall day. The ladybugs have created quite the show on my windows. I must have counted eighteen on my five windows that line my walls. They have all come out to play, maybe for the last time this season. I keep telling myself that they are good luck ~ that so many are on my windows must be a good sign of things to come. When I was a kid, I would play hangman with my friends. One of my favorite words to try to stump them with was "ladybug." It's only a seven-letter word with each letter different than the others. It was a good word and I usually hung my friends. ...Which sounds weird... Anyway, I've always had a quiet affinity for the bug and what better way to celebrate this time of year than to have them gather at my home? So now I'm sitting at my computer, enjoying the sun, enjoying the bugs, and enjoying the best damn apple I have ever had in my life. It is soooo juicy and soooo sweet ~ Granny Smith sure does know how to grow 'em right. Every sense is being touched: sight, sound, smell, touch and taste by the beauty of today. I might just have an orgasm off it all. (Somewhere, my mother is rolling her eyes.) Enjoy the photos!