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Thursday, November 30, 2006Turkey-lurkey-looThe "HOLIDAYS" are officially upon us. With them comes the cooking, the sweet temptation of butter and lard, the shopping, the wrapping, the driving, the hugging, the family drama, the holiday songs, and too much merry to leave you walking a straight line. Or maybe that's just my version of the holidays and the joyous holiday spirit. Am I allowed to admit that I'm already annoyed with the Southern California radio station that has been playing non-stop Christmas songs for the past TWO WEEKS?!?! (STOP THE INSANITY, PEOPLE!) What would this Thanksgiving be, without a little turkey and a little football. These photos are nearly a week late, but when do I ever get pictures posted in a timely manner? Check out number 7 on the left side of this photo - that should give you an idea of how much MUD was on this field. ![]() ![]() Mom and Blair working in the kitchen. This is a year of "firsts" for Blair. This was his first time carving a turkey. It's good to be home, isn't it bro.? This time last year, I was in Cambridge and Scott was in Iraq. I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday. ![]() ![]()