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Friday, December 03, 2004...SIGH...Have you ever met your other "self"? What I mean is...that one or two other people who are made from the very same fabric as you - shares your beliefs, lives your life... but lives somewhere else? Mine happens to live in New York and my other "self" happens to be male (surprise, surprise). We look nothing alike (in fact, he IS the love-child of Colin Farrell and Robert Downey Jr.), but share every attribute otherwise. We are both very sexual beings, both spiritual though not religious, adventurous, kind-hearted, shallow, sincere, honest, political without being too pushy, healthy, and spirited. I saw him earlier this week when I was in New York. I hadn't seen him in about two years but oh... SIGH... how I wish things were different. If we lived closer to one another, I'm sure we would date again. (Even though it would be weird to date someone who is so similar to me.) I was reminded of just how comfortable and GOOD about being ME when I was with him. I'll probably NEVER see him again but I'll always know my male counterpart is out there. SIGH.