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Wednesday, March 16, 2005Top Five ListsPrelude: I'M TIRED SO THE SPELLING WILL SUCK. GET OVER IT. I'm a big fan of top five lists. I love them. LOVE. I'm using the word love. About lists. Are you following me? I love asking people about their top five lists - especially friends that I've known for a long time. It opens up a whole new realm of conversation that most friends don't explore. Perhaps it is because you don't really know what someone likes until they put it in LIST form. Sort of like when you go to the grocery store and watch the person in front of you unload their cart/basket and you think, "wow, people actually buy crap like that" or "yum, I want to be at their house when dinner time rolls around." But then you kind of get paranoid when it's your turn because you know other people are looking at the stuff that you're pulling out of your cart/basket. Or maybe that's just me. Anyone? Anyone? (Crickets are chirping in the background.) Okay, getting back on track... Top Five Lists are one of those things that gives me piece of mind, in a weird way. It's sort of like, here's a list of things that I enjoy and if I ever have the opportunity, I'm ALLOWED to enjoy them at my leisure. But I can always change my mind about my lists too - I really like being able to have leeway in things that I like. Does this mean I have commitment issues? (Hmmm, something to explore in a later post...) For example, let me give a few of my lists and hopefully this is will make some better sense. Top Five Men: Matthew McConnaughey Brad Pitt Josh Duhamel Ron Livingston (of course he had to be on here!) Colin Farrell Top Five Foods: Chocolate Raspberries Baja Fresh burritos Chocolate raspberry truffle from Baskin Robbins (they don't have this one anymore, but every now and then they'll bring it back FOR A DAY and I'm in complete bliss) Grilled portobello mushroom sandwich with all the fixins and that pesto spread... mmm... Top Five things I liked as a teenager but don't really care much for now: MTV Pizza The "Rachael" hair-do from Friends Overalls with a tank-top underneath Spending hours on the phone with (boy) friends ...I mean, come on, we all know that I don't get to have boyfriends anymore... I guess I know what I'll be posting about tomorrow... Top Five places I would like to visit in the world: Paris, France (again) Cairo, Egypt Sydney, Australia Costa Rica Fiji Top Five movie quotes: "Hello, Lady!" - The Princess Bride "I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of the life to start as soon as possible" - When Harry Met Sally "All men are bastards" - French Kiss "Carpe Diem. Do you know what it means?" "Uh, fish... fish bait or something..." - Roxanne "Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'" - Shawshank Redemption So there you have it. Just a sampling of my TOP FIVE lists. (And for those that were keeping count, there were FIVE of them. 100 points for you.) Now your turn.