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Wednesday, July 19, 2006Gainfully (Un) EmployedIt's been about two months since I've been out of graduate school. At some point, I need to get a job. Loans don't pay themselves off, credit card companies want their money, I want a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes, and living between the boyfriend's house and the parent's house SUCKS. I don't know why, but I haven't really been too concerned about finding or obtaining a job... until now. Along the way I figured that a job would open up and I would be the ideal candidate. But now I'm starting to get nervous. Maybe I'm not as brilliant and desirable as I've led myself to believe. I have already started to give up hope that I will be a millionaire by age 30. It turns out that 99% of the time, jobs and careers do not fall from the sky and land in your lap. Nope. You actually have to WORK at finding WORK. So, off to work I go. Hi ho, hi ho, hi ho... ![]() ![]()